Your Empowerment is My Vision

My practice aims to empower individuals who want to find that missing piece, who want to experience more from life, who want to live intentionally and free themselves from their addictions, inherited pain and destructive beliefs.

I facilitate this incredible healing and transformation through a range of one-on-one coaching mentorships, online groups and retreats. My empathic yet purposeful guidance creates a sense of encouragement and support, love and care for those who want to move forward into a more joyful life.

Through retreats in the UK, and Mexico, as well as online groups, clients will be welcomed into a tribe of likeminded individuals, holding a safe space where you are seen, heard and nurtured.


My Own Journey Led Me to Helping Others on Theirs

Since the age of 21, my career focused on supporting children in having their voice heard. Unbeknownst to me, this work would ultimately lead to my deeper WHY, but it took many years to get there. I spent 20 years living a double life, one of trauma, toxic relationships, drug and alcohol abuse. I maintained the status quo, hiding what I really felt from the world. Holding onto so much shame and guilt while pretending things were okay and sustaining a ‘professional’ life led to constant pain and loneliness. This dysfunctional pattern coupled with the confusion of how an intelligent woman could create such chaos led to my awakening at 35.


Slowly, I began to realise that the belief system I’d inherited and perpetuated was creating my reality, one which no longer served me. When I dedicated myself to finding my own “missing piece” and to understanding and reconnecting my true mind, body and soul, I began to magnetise the life I actually desired, changing unconscious patterns and reprogramming my beliefs. I wanted love and freedom, not dependence and internal torment. Finally, I understood the root cause of all that had caused my pain, and I learned all the steps on the pathway to my liberation. Now my vision is to help you understand and find yours too.

My Personal Story Guides My Professional Practice

Having experienced these traumas and struggles as many of us have, I believe I have been placed in an incredible position of empathy when helping others. This is tempered with the understanding that there is no quick or painless fix when moving into freedom from the past. I bring an extraordinary suite of skills, experience and expert knowledge to this work, incorporating professional certifications in breathwork, neurolinguistic programming, hypnotherapy, psychology, social work and energy healing. I have spent years studying an extensive array of healing modalities and have developed a unique practice that combines these different worlds of metaphysical and traditional healing to support every human in reclaiming their worth!

Now is the time to find your missing piece, the piece you were never taught to nurture or even accept. It’s right there inside of you, and with my guidance, you can draw it out.

Learn more about the Healing Modalities I use [Link to Healing Modalities page]

Cutting-edge therapies guide your deep transformation

I have been trained and certified in some of the most innovative therapies in the world, and combine a variety of psychological, energetic and spiritual fields to meet each client’s unique needs. As a trauma-informed practitioner of Sacred Breathwork, I’ve completed training in this powerful therapeutic modality at the Sacred Breathwork Academy in California, am a certified Neurolinguistic Coach, Hypnotherapist, Timeline Therapist, Reiki and Energy Healer, with degrees in Psychology and Social Work. Each certification brings tools and techniques to help individuals overcome blocks, heal old traumas, change energetic patterns keeping them stuck, and work with the neural pathways in the brain to reprogram thought patterns, reactions, and belief-systems. Because of my wide variety of certifications, I work not just with any one system, but focus on how they intersect, allowing you to receive healing on physical, emotional, mental, energetic and spiritual levels, with each contributing to the wellness of the others.

I Live the Work

Through my journey, I have created a devotional practice that I live every day. Coming from a place of being a control-freak, which was born from not feeling safe and never learning how to regulate emotions as a child, I was afraid. I was afraid of the dark, afraid of being seen, of letting go, losing control, being intimate. I didn’t feel that I was truly worthy, and I didn’t know how to take responsibility. When this all led to a breaking point where I knew I couldn’t continue on the path I was on of unhealthy relationships and using substances to cope, I began to seek healing. I found Neurolinguistic Programming to understand the working of my mind, and Sacred Breathwork connected me to the Medicine Woman inside me, a powerful healer still coming out in new and wonderful ways. Because I know the path, having walked in both a lot of pain and a lot of healing, I know the power of integration. I am not a one-stop-shop, but dedicated to creating a path for integrating real change into your life in a livable, sustained way.


Certification and Training

My Professional Training and Certifications

I am so grateful for all the teachers, professionally and personally, that have helped me on my path to self-healing. To be able to share this gift with you is an honor and immense privilege.

Trauma Informed Breathwork Practitioner The Sacred Breathwork Academy California, Kaya Leigh For more information on training with this academy you can click here

Reiki Energy Healing School of Reiki Sunshine Coast Australia, Debbie Morrill

Clear Light Energy Healing Julia Moton, Mexico

NLP Practitioner and NLP Coach NLP Worldwide, Sydney Australia, Dr. Heidi Heron For more information on training with this institute you can learn more here

Hypnotherapy Practitioner Luke Hawkins Sydney Australia

Time Line Therapy Practitioner Luke Hawkins, Sydney Australia

MA Social Work Warwick University, England  

BA Honors Psychology De Montfort University England, Lisa Dawson

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