Sanne, Netherlands

Natalie, England

Dominique, England


I had a breathwork session with Claire after meeting her not too long before and it was a transformative and releasing healing experience. I could truly feel she is full of love and wisdom to share with the world and that intuition made me feel completely at ease to share my heart and some heavy emotions I had stuck with me.

I don’t believe in energy healers who haven’t truly healed themselves first and that’s far from her case.

Her state of inner peace and faith in life really warmed my heart and inspired me. The strength, the reconnection to my divine feminine and the guidance I had from her brought me back to life and made me believe that’s ok to be who I truly am. I’m very blessed for having met Claire and I wish we could have spent more time together and done other sessions. I keep the memory of her and the insights I received during and after the session with a lot of affection and gratitude. Thank you my dear!

♥️ Dani, Brazil


When I first heard about Claire’s retreat I knew it was what I needed. It was the start of a time of change for me; a time where I would put me first and the perfect opportunity to work on a few things, let go of some and plan and goal set too.  

The retreat was the perfect amount of time, long enough to not be rushed but also not too long that it didn’t feel possible to go. Everything was included and nothing was missed. If you want to work on you and your world I would highly recommend it  

Bridget, UK


I had my first breathwork experience with Claire. She was from the very first moment very calming and made me feel at ease and in good hands. She explained to me in detail what we would be doing and what I could expect, however this being said, she was also particularly good at keeping it open so that even though I had an idea of the process there were no direct expectations that could shape my experience in one way or another. Therefore I was able to embrace the experience without expectations and allow it to flow naturally. She allowed me to feel safe and held the space for me to be open and ask any questions.  

The breathwork experience itself was so much more than I could have hoped for. I was able to gain access to knowledge and healing within myself. This unlocked some clarity and perspective on topics that I have been working on for some time, as well as finding comfort and knowledge on areas that I had not previously given attention to. 

After the session Claire created a space where I was able to reflect and digest the experience with ease. I am incredibly grateful for the space she held for me that allowed me to put my trust in her completely in order to surrender. It was a transformative experience and a wonderful first step into exploring the medicine that breathwork can offer.

Seren, UK 


After my marriage of 20 years broke down, I felt like I had arrived at a cross roads in my life.  
Claire’s Retreat was really beneficial in enabling me to access my inner most thoughts, which sometimes I was dis-engaged from. The hustle of every day life didn’t allow me to really examine many unanswered questions.  
Away from home, in a peaceful environment with the correct help, I was able to engage with my subconscious and establish a better way forwards. I now have a much clearer picture of how I can achieve my happiness goals.  
I left feeling that I could live the life that I want to. It takes time, however, at least I’m moving in the right direction for me now.  
Thank you Claire! I learned so much from this weekend.  
Laura, UK 


I had a breathwork session with Claire and I am so happy I gave it a try, coz I feel I really want to do more as soon as I can. 

I had any expectation as I heard about breathwork recently but didn’t even guess what it is...I teach yoga since 20 years and I imagined is just another pranayama exercise, but wanted to give a try as I am going through difficult times and need healing in every way possible!! 

Claire is very sweet and kind, I really likes how she took time to explain me everything before we booked the session. Also the day of the session she took time to explain me again and that made me feel very comfortable and relaxed. She gave all instructions and guides me through the experience which was amazing. 

I had some incredible experiences through the session, like seeing myself going out of my body and looking at myself from above, I had the image or some angels, felt my body like so light and with a special feeling, and relaxed so deep that in a moment I even felt sleep!! 

When we finished I didn’t really understand what happened and how it would help me heal as I didn’t cry, or had like a clear message, I didn’t know what to think in the end.. 

When I left I started to feel sad, next morning I was crying for hours, and then in the afternoon it felt like all the weight I was feeling for so many days that was making feel so sad and depressed had gone. Suddenly I felt light and happy and I’m sure is because of the therapy. 

I recommend so much to do it, it does really unblocked something inside me and would like to continue to do more sessions.

Cris, Mexico 


I went on a retreat with Claire this year in a beautiful setting in the Peak District. Claire really knows her stuff, the time line therapy , goal setting and vision meditation has been life changing for me. I highly recommend Claire’s retreats if you want to transform the way you think 😉🦋 

Estella, UK 


Some weeks ago I had a breathwork experience with Claire as facilitator and it was a intense and very good experience. Claire gave all the guidelines before we started and made us feel comfortable and aware of what could happen and she was always there for us during the process! 

I’ve practiced Wim Hof and some pranayama techniques before so it was easy for me to do the breathwork, after a few rounds of it I started feeling my body (especially feet and hands) tingling and eventually a small lock on my hands as she explained before it could happen, so I did circular movements with my hands (which it was a tip from Claire) and it helped release a bit the lock and feel the energy move, at some point I also felt like crying, I just felt it on my chest and after I started calming my breath I felt very relaxed and in peace, also some memories came up. 

I would definitely do it again and highly recommend Claire, she is a wonderful person!

Kaian, Portugal 


I was very surprised by my session of breath work with Claire as I had little to no expectations when we began; I’ll definitely be doing it again. The process was very calm yet my body clearly responded and it really enabled me to access some very deeply buried stuff. It’s been incredibly useful as i’ve been seeking for life patterns to evolve for some time. Previous to the session I’d experienced a shocking event, my system had frozen and I’d completely lost my appetite for some weeks. Immediately after the session ended I felt that the stuck energy had cleared and I’ve been eating normally ever since. For the deeper, more profound messages and realizations that arrived in the few days following the session I really got the most from them by conversing with my inner being and observing everything that happened around me plus the thoughts that entered my mind. I realized that my “normal” had recently become skewed and every morning I awoke with new realizations relating to this. I wholly recommend Claire’s breath work, especially for anyone seeking to change life patterns which are embedded on an unconscious level. After 5 years in Tulum it’s one of the strongest, most profound healing modalities I’ve experienced.

Sarah, UK


Claire has the insight and skills to identify what's holding you back. She helps clear any limiting beliefs and self-sabotaging habits. The results are a clear mind and focus that allow you to move forward. You will become more confident, perceptive, authentic, calm, rational and aligned with your goals. If you feel stuck, or sense that there is something you are missing, or not achieving, Claire can help you. 

Ed, UK 


“Once Clare lovingly shared the Conscious breathing technique, I was able to drop into a sustainable breathing rhythm. Beautifully facilitated by Clare’s intuitive guidance I was able to move myself through various physical sensations _including but not limited to_ temperature changes, the shifting of intense concentrations of energy throughout my body, to experiencing some emotional release, as well as receiving visions and guidance from Spirit. I am grateful to have completed the session feeling clear, aligned and ready to make a big life decision. Thank you, beauty.”

– K. Williams, UK


I luckily took part in a breathwork session with Claire. I didn't know what to expect, but it was absolutely worth it. Claire was holding the space so well as I felt safe and free to express what needed to be expressed. Emotions came up, I could feel my whole body and I surrendered. This was all possible, because Claire was guiding me beautifully. I am so grateful for this experience and I would do it again. Thank you, Claire,

❤ Anya, Germany


I would love say few words about my experience with Claire and her workshop me🪶 

I didn't know about breath working before, but I was feeling long time ago, breathing is Now important thing for my body, but I didn't know how..... 

 One day in Mexico I met Claire and se were starting talking about our lifes, about my processes and she said, if you want to help, I am here for you... 

 She showed me the breathing metod which is so powerfull, I was flying,grounding and calmed after that. During the breathing I was feeling tingle in my hand and leg and I needed to move from side to side very slowly.... Every negative energy was going out.... My body was feeling full of love,air and happiness 🪶 thank you So much to Claire.

Veronica Mexico 


Claire’s breath work session was a powerful one for me. With her guidance and her way of holding space, I was able to dive deeply into my practice. What a wonderful experience ✨ Thank you so much Claire 💞

Anna Germany