Meet us in the healing hotspot of BAJA California, MX. Let the ocean wash away your fears and the desert sun feed your soul. In the simple and elegant beauty of the beachside BAJA Serenity retreat center, you will enter a space of the spirit, and your spirit will guide your transformation.


Upcoming Retreat:

Baja California,

10th -15th april 2025

What to expect?

Our retreats offer a unique experience to support you to cleanse, clear and create! In this safe sacred space you have time for you, where you gain clarity, you build confidence, focus, trust and you truly start to embody change!

Integration is key to sustained transformation which is why this is not a one stop retreat but a doorway, one where you will be supported to infiltrate what you experience plus witness the magnitude of results into your lifestyles.


CABO PULMO, Baja, Mexico

10th-15th april 2025

Picture this:

Your fears, doubts and worries no longer holding you back.

No longer talking yourself out of what you truly want to do,

 And instead acting with confidence knowing it will work out exactly how it’s meant to.


You show up differently for yourself and those around you.

No more changing to fit in but walking confidently in your true expression.

You live a life without obsessions and overthinking, letting go of what others think,

Following your passions and choosing healthy behaviours that support your goals.



You let go of the limiting beliefs that tell you

You can’t be happy all the time

You should be grateful for what you have

Life is hard


Releasing the sense of failure and shame these beliefs create,

And the doubt that keeps you wondering if

Change is even possible.


Are you wondering:

 How to weave through life combining discipline and structure with joy, grace and flow?

How to have real conversations, speaking your authentic truth, confidently knowing that doing so will lead to the intimacy you’ve always craved?


How it would feel to be securely anchored, to know where you are going in life,

To hold such a strong presence you aren’t influenced by uncertainty around you

But confident in who you are and what you are here to do?


How to set the standard for what you desire and deserve

To create a strong foundation that supports you in taking risks

And investing in what’s important to you without debilitating fear and doubt?


You can:

Connect back to your body, quieten the mind, align with your intuition,

So you always feel supported by your own internal resources.


Build an inner trust and create a bridge to the magical wisdom within and trust its guidance.

Discover the root of your anxiety and clear it, moving towards decisive action.



You can birth a strength you forgot was there!



Welcome to Reconnect


A 5-night Reset Retreat to get clear on what you want

Discover what’s holding you back

Know exactly what you are working through

Connect with your why

And move confidently forward into the life you’ve been calling in.

The Reset Retreat Includes:

o   Trauma-Informed two-hour Breathwork Ceremonies to support you in awakening the teacher within, allowing you to meet unmet parts of yourself in a safe container, and  release old emotions while revealing deep lessons.

o   Group circle workshops to support you in changing deep-seated habits in a sustainable way for ongoing life transformation.

o   Hypnotherapy sessions re-aligning your beliefs to support the specific changes you most want.  

o   Guided meditations to heal ancestral wounds.

o   Energy clearings, removing the stagnant energy no longer serving you.

o   Space for silence, listening, prayer and integration.

o   Hikes, movement and supplementary workshops.

o   Healthy organic food and drinks provided.

o Two months support prior to retreat and two months support post support including fortnightly group calls and community support providing a structure for integration.


More about the Healing Modalities we will use here

Retreat Space:

This Baja Retreat Centre is situated on 5 acres directly on the Sea of Cortez. The property features a plunge pool and hot tub; sunny and shaded areas for lounging and relaxation; a sky deck for whale-watching and star-gazing; and a meditation garden. All rooms are within a minute’s stroll to our dining pavilion and the fabulous beach. We offer a fantastic retreat experience including luxury, farm-to-table meals; accommodations; airport transfers

There are 13 rooms available, option to share or choose a private room. All rooms are fully enclosed (no bugs!) and all of them include ensuite bathrooms and air conditioning in the warmer months. Linens, bedding and towels are of the highest quality.

Sample Itiniary

  • 3pm Arrival

    5pm Meet and Intention setting

    6pm Breathwork and Integration

    8pm Dinner

  • 6am Yoga

    7am Breathwork

    930am Breakfast

    11am Integration

    1230 Snack

    1pm Workshop

    2pm Lunch

    330pm Workshop

    5pm Sunset walk at Beach

    7pm Dinner together

  • 7am Breathwork

    9am Breakfast

    11am Group Workshop

    1am Lunch

    3pm Integration

    5pm Group Circle

    630pm Dinner

  • 7am Breathwork

    9am Breakfast

    11am Group walk

    1pm Lunch

    3pm Workshop

    5pm Fire Integration and Support

  • 7am Breathwork

    9am Breakfast

    11am Guided Meditation

    1pm Snack/Lunch

    3pm Workshop

    5pm Fire Gathering

    7pm Dinner

  • 8am Guided Meditation

    9am Breakfast

    1030am Closing Circle

    12pm Checkout

  • LUXURY VENUE IN THE todos santos baja




  • pre and post integration support through group calls and community forum


Early bird Offer Twin XL bed

Single shared room $3333

Rooms may not be exactly as the photos but they are all of this standard.

Single Shared Twin XL $3444

single private $3760

from 1st october

Queen single Sharing


Queen Private


Post-Retreat Support:

o   Two group calls in the month following the retreat to support further integration in your home environment.

o   Two Month Membership within a powerful and inspiring online community of fellows to provide the support you need to continue your transformation. A community you can trust is an essential piece of long-term change and foundational healing.


After the 5-night Reset Retreat You Will Have:

o   Discovered the root cause of resistance, stress and anxiety, so you can move forward with decisive action and no longer live frozen in fear.

o   Healed past trauma and released the ancestral patterns that have kept you stuck in the same unconscious loop.

o   Released the feelings of hurt, disappointment and self-loathing so you no longer self-sabotage and can complete your to-do list without procrastinating.

o   Learned to embody high vibrational unconditional self-love instead of searching for validation outside of yourself.

o   Started setting boundaries of certainty, worthiness, and total self-respect.

o   Let go of control, surrendered and developed trust in the unknown.

o   Transformed deeply rooted beliefs and patterns at an unconscious level so life can be stress-free, effortless, full of grant and fun!

o   Shifted your energy out of the past so you can process your emotions in the moment with dignity and ease.

o   Connected fully to your body so you feel safe and can trust your choices without overthinking.

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela

About Your Retreat Leader, Claire Mary

At 35, Claire Mary had an awakening. She realised behind her anger, violent relationships, and self-sabotage with drugs and alcohol were deep feelings of unworthiness. An intelligent woman who was successful on paper, she became acutely aware of how the beliefs of her inadequacy and feelings of never being enough had created a destructive internal reality. Her own journey of healing led her to training in hypnotherapy, neurolinguistic programming, energy healing and ancestral processing. Her work is firmly grounded in the reality that we can all reclaim our worth, a necessary task if healthy and conscious relationships are to be created.  


Claire Mary’s pilgrimage towards wholeness led her on a journey to many sacred places and waters, allowing her to remember ancient wisdom, past lives and lessons from those who have come before. The Reset Retreat is a concentrated creation born of this wisdom and grounded in a place of sacred healing to Claire Mary and many others.


Join Claire Mary for this illuminating retreat as she grounds into the waters of the Caribbean and Atlantic, sharing this remembrance and helping you connect to the earth, breath, spirit and your inner voices.


More about Claire Mary’s journey and gifts

If this is what you have been calling in?