A spiritual being having an human experience

This is something I consider that will help us look at our life from a perspective that will create curiosity, an intrigue, a space to laugh at how serious we can take ourselves and others and that really anything is possible when we move past the limitations and construct of the physical human mind and body.

When we can perceive that we chose this body, at this time, on this date, can we raise the question of why? What real impact were you wanting to make in this time from making this choice?

My belief is that we are here for a great cause to restore peace and harmony on the planet. For many years we had kind of started to believe that it wasn’t in our control or influence the worlds problems, kind of accepting their country, their problem.

Now through time and understanding the control that is infiltrated within what information we have access to and who is telling the story leads us to really challenge and get curious where information, history and media originates and what is their motive, if any.

So going from a macro view to a micro view, if you could use your voice for anything what would it be?

I think it’s important to never underestimate each of our own voices and its influence. In order for there to be a grander change, it starts with the change within, the energy we function at, with our thoughts, beliefs and behaviours and how we want the world to be. Change can start with surrounding yourself with likeminded people so you don’t think you are going crazy lol and trust that the transformation you devote yourself to DOES matter, and will significantly impact upon the future of the children in this world!!! You ARE massively important in this evolution.

This is a snippet and I will expand on these thoughts soon!

I would love to hear your perception on how this change can be brought to life!

How can more emphasis be brought to the impact self healing has and creating inner peace, as the spiritual universal law states as within as without! This is a huge awareness, one i think many still aren’t convinced of this power! What do you think?


What does change take?