What is NLP?

What is NLP?

Neuro Linguistic Programming

Neuro is a study of the mind

Linguistic is language 

Programming is understanding how the mind is programmed 

See, we each have our five senses as filters by which we absorb information. 

Like a sponge, from birth up until 7 years old we absorb all information. Its stored in the unconscious mind. Then a critical faculty is created within our minds which is a filter of then assessing and comparing information we experience.

This means before the age of 7 we have taken on many beliefs from parents, school, environment, different relationships, and taken it in as truth.

But it might not be what we authentically believe. 

Before the age of 7 we can learn to do things sometimes through survival, fear or seeking a need. So these habits and behaviours learnt during this time, might not support the lifestyle you want to live now. 

To access this part of our mind, our unconscious mind, so you can change these original settings, we use different tools within NLP and hypnotherapy that helps bring the parts of your mind potentially in battle right now, together in alignment, so there’s less conflict and more congruence.

Many of us live on auto pilot for most of our lives, expecting life to be different simply by changing the environment, or making better choices or having better luck. It’s not until we make the unconscious conscious that we can start to create the change we want in our lives. 

It’s less about physical change and more about gaining an understanding of why you choose certain things in your life when you really want to behave or be living differently. 

You know what to do, but you must explore the unconscious reasoning for why the habit or belief was created in the first place, before you can take the lessons and install a new behaviour.

For example, a smoker, who learnt to smoke and hardwire this behaviour to offer some sort of comfort, more than likely forgot or was unaware of the original reason why smoking began. It could have been it helped de stress, it was an attempt to fit in, or they didn't see their health and body as worthy so it was an attempt to soothe self hatred. 

Consciously, now they want to quit, they want to live a long healthy life, but giving up they notice a resistance, and sabotaging behaviour to continue smoking, when they desperately want to quit.

NLP helps identify the deeper reason for why smoking started. When the unconscious mind can let go of discomfort,  take the lessons, and realise there is no longer a need there to fulfil, it discovers that comfort can be met in healthier ways, the need for smoking disappears as it realises it can install a new behaviour in line with current values. The unconscious and conscious minds are now working in unison as the unconscious understands the original programming and so can choose consciously to let it go and change for good!

We can apply this to all areas of our life as we are in relationship to everything. There’s something we say in NLP which is every behaviour has a positive intention. When you reveal what that is, you can change many aspects of your life and it can be easy and effortless without struggle!! Imagine that :)

Let me know if this resonates with you, plus any questions reach out. I love to support you.

Thanks to JohnHain Canva for this Image


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