why attend a retreat?

There are a million options out there, so how do you choose the right one for you, and what makes them so unique?


I’ve been to a few retreats personally and know what I liked and what I wanted more of.


Ultimately a retreat is not only a change of scenery but a break from a reality you know and an introduction to a different routine that prompts a few things. It pushes you out of your comfort zone, it gives you space to reflect on what’s important to you without the distractions of life, and it gives your body a chance to recalibrate.


When your body is in a state of stress, healing doesn’t occur as well as the body is in fight or flight.


Retreats are often the medicine you never knew you needed.


Fast paced life and fitting in with the jones, social media and the next trend is a huge factor. Society can be a massive pressure and therefore it takes a lot of courage to stand in your own power and voice your authentic self.


Some you may simply want to switch off and immerse yourself in nature. Some of you will want to do some personal growth and others to meet new and like-minded people. I think that’s a good foundation of what to expect.


There are many modalities out there and I do believe you always end up exactly where you are meant to be! Even if you are unsure of what that is in the moment.


A worthwhile point to explore would be to know your intention of attending a retreat. This will help you ask the right questions and get the most out of your experience.


For me a retreat is not a one stop shop. There is much transformation that comes from being in an intimate container with strangers and you often reveal parts of yourself that might have been hidden or that you were unaware were there to be met.


Retreats can be triggering and when you are in proximity with others you want to know that you are safe to express yourself, and be held and supported through any change, confusion, and curiosity.


Retreats are a place where you learn the most about yourself and I know can be the biggest turning point in one’s life.


Day retreats are great but there’s something about diving into longer experiences 3 plus days, that promotes a deeper transformation. You gain a lot of clarity, you reduce stress, your body starts to remember what it feels like without the demands of life, you work through many doubts, fears, and worries. You find new ways of navigating your emotions and can learn new rituals that support you in your day-to-day life.


You disconnect from technology to reconnect to YOU, plus this promotes meaningful connections with others and yourself.


I’ve had retreats where the numbers were high, and the facilitators didn’t follow through with the support that was offered. I’ve had some retreats where there was no integration post retreat which is I believe I paramount part of embodying change and transitioning back into life.


Use a little discernment and question, what will nourish you the most right now?

What would most support you right now?


Moving from a high stressed job into a jam-packed yoga retreat might not be what your nervous system needs.


I like to go to retreats to experience change. Sometimes that’s glaringly obvious the benefits you receive by simply being there, and other times lessons don’t click into place until after the retreat. Again, I am a firm believer we get what we need, not always what we want in our healing journey. If we are very rigid with our expectations that can also intervene and create resistance within.


One word which is valid and worth remembering is, surrender. Get on a call with the facilitator or book and then ask questions before going. It’s an important experience and one where life changing work is possible.


Writing throughout your experience is a must. Reflecting on challenges, lessons, and growth. Retreats are work, lessons can come from simply being there as creating the space is essential for initial change. The work continues with integration and infiltrating the lessons into life. It can be a bit of a shock stepping back into the reality as a newly informed upgraded version of you! So, it’s worth ensuring there are options for that as this will first and foremost support any change to be sustainable in your life.


Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing how you get on!


Feel free to check out retreats run by me on Tripaneer and Retreat Guru, links below. I’d love to hear any recommendations you have.


Tripaneer https://www.tripaneer.com/claire-mary-healer-guide-therapist/6-day-leadership-liberation-reset-retreat-in-baja-california-sur


Retreat Guru https://retreat.guru/events/3605-53/leadership-liberation


Much Love Claire xxx


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