Why a Women’s retreat?

The women are craving it! I believe its the very thing we never know we truly need! With so many distractions in the world attempting to absorb your attention, HUGE growth happens in these scared spaces! What I have realised my true gift is, holding an unwavering space for you to feel it ALL!

How long have you worn that mask to fit in, fearing you are too much, petrified to show you care, holding back your love through fear of abandonment, not being enough in the eyes of the other, questioning constantly could you be or do more to be what someone else approves of!

This thread of questioning, overwhelm and confusion is seeping through our veins, our DNA and one way to reclaim the power you hold within, is to face it, to allow sisterhood to heal your mother and sister wounds, to give space for that inner child of yours to grieve the belief your father could have been different, holding close that longing to simply feel safe and trust now!

Dear Sister, not all of this maybe in your conscious awareness yet, and maybe it is, that doesn’t make it any less painful, but now you are becoming even more conscious, aware, knowing you have the power to choose differently, even if you sit there in doubt wondering whether you can, YOU CAN, thats why you are here, reading this, use this as a sovereign reminder of your strength and your bravery! it has nothing to do with intellect, is it a pathway to your body knowing, remembering what is true. What is obvious to one mind, cannot be enforced on another without lessons being experienced within. This retreat is a doorway to your unconscious, a messenger from the realms of your ancestry so you may break these patterns of being in a loop, a constant state of fear and anxiety so you can take action and create all you dreamed of as a child! All you deep down knew was possible yet up to now may not have knows the path to get there, the missing piece of the puzzle is within you, nothing outside of you can give you this truth.

You gave sought change for so long, wondering if things would simply work out through a different situation, a different relationship, a different, environment, only to find your life on repeat, same patterns, same trauma, same heartache. I feel you! I know you, I am you!

Together we walk this path to freedom, freedom from the past, freedom from doubt, freedom from control, freedom from believing you aren’t enough, freedom to know your worth, your DEEP magic, your love, your care, the possibity life has when you move out of the way, into the fire and to once and for all know the tools that will carry through this gift of life!

You are learning a new way, you are shedding the old skin, you are stepping into a new version of you and lets be clear, there will be some who pull you to stay the same, some of who fear your light, your expansion, but of course you can remain the same, but have you not experienced enough pain? We have been led to believe it is natural to suffer, we should be happy with what we have got, when there is so much torture in the world! How can you ask for more one shouts!!! Well this is a fallacy to keep you small!

Dear Sister, you must be brave to take this journey of discovery, of freedom, and in this creation you open the door for others to rise, for they are secretly admiring your inner power, you may not see it just yet but it is burning and this is is what is calling you to choose differently.

The vision of this retreat is for you to step into the truth of who you are, this may seem daunting, maybe you are scared no one will like you, you will change too much and be left alone? Let me reassure you, this is so far from the truth and beyond this darkness, beyond your deep inherited sadness is SO much love, your deepest desires of conscious healthy relationships, of taking the action you keep procrastinating on!

I know you care for others, you DESERVE this support, you thought you should do it alone, you’re wondering why you haven’t been able to sustain change and always go back on your commitment for new habits, you rarely ask for help but now is time for you to receive what you have been calling in!

Immersing yourself in a retreat space, away from your normal routine is what allows you to deeply embody change, see things from a new perspective and so you can take all your lessons and growth back to your every day life! This is a one week retreat and following this you are supported to integrate the lessons and change so you never feel alone.

Its always an honor to meet other women and support you on your journey! I am exicted to get to know whats on your heart, what is holding you back and what impact you want to leave on this world because the world needs this feminine rising! You are more important than you know in the piece of this puzzle.

Book a clarity call here to talk more about the retreat in November 2023 BAJA CALIFORNIA

Clarity Call for Baja Retreat November 2023


Thoughts loops and Anxiety!


What sort of life are you tolerating?