Thoughts loops and Anxiety!

Ever been stuck in a thought loop

Or an emotion keeps getting the better of you, eruption instead of calmly responding…

Maybe the struggle to feel its enough, to feel satisfied when you to stop at the end of the day…. Like when is enough enough?

My vision is to help you feel like you are living NOW

Without waiting or listening to the story that now isn’t the right time, or you will visit that country at some point, go on that road trip next year, learn something new when the kids are older, definitely do it one day when….

Does this sound familiar?

The world is here to teach us

We have been woven into a system thats VERY challenging to break free from!

So many beliefs, opinions, pressures, perceived obligations may seem present….but in truth, the thing you really want to be doing and could be IS likely the very thing that will support you to show up differently in your life, it is the essential key that needs to be used to unlock the door to create the change you want to see in YOU and others.

You cant change others but you have to choose to take responsibility for you!

When you learn to accept death aka change, the end of something is the beginning of something new.

It is never a true end, but the beginning, a new conversation, a new way of living, a new way of being.

Many of us have stayed in limbo never making a decision, neither is better or worse but it remains stagnant without movement.

It is ESSENTIAL in growth yet many people are holding onto wanting things to go back to how they were!!

Because holding tightly onto the belief that, ‘had it stayed the same, the challenges wouldn’t be there’….is so far from the truth!

In life there is no other option than for change, like the seasons we can follow their flow, learn our own beat and is it constant and always in the most beautiful evolutionary way!

I am unsure if this is something you will believe and if you’re not quite convinced… hear me out.

You have an internal compass, that is taking you to the best, best, best option in life! more than you could possibly imagine and by wanting things to remain the same you are building yourself a little box, a prison, shall we say! So your deepest possibly secret desires are in fact waiting to receive you, but you are too busy pumping energy into what you think life should look like!

It is not your fault!

You have been sold a story that you should be happy with what you have got and almost led to feel guilty at times for striving for more, or wanting to do what is right for you (which in turn is also right for everyone) see the theme! (cosmic hug)

Your happiness has a ripple effect on all those around you, as much as you thinking your choice may have an unwanted impact on others that makes things ‘worse’, ( although there can be no worse!) What you choose is likely the very thing that has to happen in order for life to support you all to thrive!

So in order to change the old, we must be ready to face a death, a death of the ego, thinking we know best, a death of the known, to plant the seeds to the unknown and beyond!

I am very excited about the tools I have learnt and the gifts I hold, and the safe space I create! so without there being too much about the how….(because change is inevitable, if you believe it; you can do it; you can change it, you can have it).

Together we work to bring your mind, body and spirit into alignment so change happens and you can sustain it! You will have a toolkit for life, and we work through accountability and support for when LIFE challenges happens but you will see it differently and respond differently, and REALLY you will begin to witness life in ways more than you imagined could possibly be. Because we have been living within our conscious mind, 5% of what we can and understand as possible. Unknown the magic within our unconscious mind, accessed through different modalities, like breath, hypnotherapy, meditation and movement. Our spirit has been disconnected, our soul has been sold and we had been led to believe the physical, consumerism, solely career route was fulfilling enough! You have been separated from your nature, your love, your being, your emotions! So to reconnect, to trust, to surrender, to LIVE again, is the work we do here, together!!

You will realise the deep wisdom human beings behold! Hence why I am excited! Can you feel it LOL

I want you to remember the power within you, so you can move past all this fear, anxiety, pressure and pain.

So you can take action fearlessly, knowing its for the greater good (even though all parties in your life or situations may not feel this at first).

PLUS (a little spoiler alert!!) It all works out exactly how its meant to, and it is all happening to you, so you receive the lessons for your personal voyage.

So if you are ready to overcome anxiety! Make choices you have been putting off! Let go of that panicky feeling and fully TRUST AND SURRENDER to life and its unfolding!!!

Here’s the ticket :) LETS TALK MORE

Cant wait to support you

I hope these words find you well and supported you today.

Much Love Claire xxx


I was called too spiritual…its just what i needed to hear!


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