I was called too spiritual…its just what i needed to hear!

Someone called me 'too' spiritual

...And its just what I needed to hear!

Heres the email on audio! if you prefer to listen in :) 
Being a practical Virgo, a reformed endless to do lists kind of gal, pretty timetables, and a plan for everything, every day, week, and hour!! You know the pain! ;/
Thinking outside the box and believing anything was possible was not on my radar! I had bought into the struggle and thought you had to be rich to be happy and I hoped love and success would eventually simply ‘knock at the door’!
I now see spiritual some may say ‘woo woo’ as a believer of that what you cannot see! I adore the majestic side of life and me, it reminds me of the redwood forest that feels like a fairyland. And what could be more fun that seeing magic unfold in real life, it brings out our inner child and its adoring and contagious! Something I think many of us have forgotten is PLAY and I still practice consciously bringing fun into life! I’m often laughing with clients through this work, yes there is growth, but we want to enjoy this adventure!
However, its far from where I started, and the thought of the ‘spiritual’ world was as I believed it to be ‘cult, controlling and weird!!’ too feely and hippy for my liking at the time
I now through study and experiences, see spiritual as connecting to miracles! Letting go of the programmed mind and creating a life of your wildest dreams, THEN showing your kids how!
I’ve grown through so many stages of my journey, mastering the mind, connecting to my body and its communication and developing a faith in the unseeable, it’s a process, and yes I can get cocooned in a world that is so different from others and something that’s always challenged me is, how do I talk to all people, at what stage they are at, and speak your language!!
Things are becoming clearer!! Which is extremely exciting!! And as they say divine timing!
What I’ve realised is, you see a snippet of me here, you hear a little bit about what’s possible, the magnitude of this work is really a big task to put into words!
Ill give it a go…
What one word can encapsulate the significant change in someone’s life? Well its never one, but heres some of the what they’ve achieved;

*they regained their freedom.
*they stopped settling and realise, they have a choice,
*they put things into action and stopped getting caught in the ‘I’ll do it one day’ phase,
*they really mastered the inner critic and started to value themselves, their future and what they can achieve with making ONE different choice,
*an ocean of opportunity appears because they had broken a pattern, ended a cycle and really started to embody that anything is possible!! It’s not just the movies!!
I realised the biggest thing holding people back from even making a choice, being confident in what to do, was FEAR, Anxiety of the unknown, living in a constant state of panic, questioning whether you made the right choice or not!! Exhausted with overthinking!! Right?!
It’s a privilege and an honour, to create space for this change to happen!!
I feel very blessed, that my journey has led me in such a way that I can guide people through an experience that starts where you are! So you feel safe! You realise you’re not crazy! You are different! You are meant to stand out in a world that has taught us to stay small!
You may be battling with the mind and unknowingly closed your heart.
You may struggle with emotions in some way or overcome them with a numbing avoidant pattern.
You could struggle to trust and have had endless relationships that are painful and never have brought the best out in you.
You could be stuck in the rat race, a job you hate, fearful to change but know there is more.
You could be tired of never feeling like what you have is enough!
Or maybe scarcity and struggling to stop ‘doing’ as fear you will lose it all, is consuming you!
Whatever it is, it is possible to overcome the anxiety, panic, overwhelm and doubt, in much less time than you may have anticipated!
Reach out to talk more!

I hope this blog finds you well and supported you in some way today.

Much Love



why attend a retreat?


Thoughts loops and Anxiety!